Prenatal Care
Family Center for Health Care is your partner in a healthy pregnancy before, during, and after delivery. This is a special time in your life, and our team is committed to helping you develop a treatment plan that is best for you and your growing family.
A Healthy Pregnancy
Our goal is for your pregnancy to be as healthy as possible from start to finish, for both mother and baby. Preconception and prenatal care are essential in the prevention and early detection of pregnancy complications.

Getting Your Body Ready
The following healthy tips will help prepare your body for pregnancy. For best results, begin these at least 3 months prior to conception.
- See your doctor for a preconception exam and discuss any important family health problems.
- Do not smoke or consume alcohol.
- Minimize your caffeine intake.
- Take prenatal vitamins with at least 800 micrograms (mcg) of folic acid.
- Maintain a regular exercise program prior to and throughout your pregnancy.
- Aim for a healthy weight.
- Consume at least 5 servings of fruits and vegetables per day.
- See your dentist and practice regular gum care, including flossing.
- Visit with your employer about policies regarding doctor appointments and maternity/paternity leave.
- Contact your health insurance provider and discuss your coverage regarding pregnancy, delivery, and newborn care.
Prenatal Provider Visits
Your obstetrical appointments will typically begin after your first missed period or following a positive home pregnancy test.
Initial Appointment:

Your initial appointment with a nurse practitioner will last one hour or longer, with a physical exam and lab work. The nursing staff will give you information about nutrition, exercise, and a healthy pregnancy. We will schedule an ultrasound for a date that coincides with weeks 9 to 12 of your pregnancy. Our financial services team will contact you about the financial aspects of birth and newborn care.
Second Appointment:

Your second obstetrical visit will coincide with weeks 11 to 13 of your pregnancy. Your doctor will perform a physical exam, review your laboratory tests, and discuss any prenatal necessary testing.
Subsequent Appointments:

You will visit your doctor monthly as your pregnancy progresses.
32 weeks - Starting to Prepare for Birth:

A nurse practitioner will discuss the signs and symptoms of labor and prepare paperwork for delivery. You will also learn about car seat use and the required seat installation inspection. You may schedule a time to tour the Small Steps Birthing Center at Citizens Medical Center by calling (785) 462-7511.
36 - 40 weeks:

Weekly doctor visits will begin and continue as needed until your delivery.
Childbirth Classes
In partnership with the Thomas County Health Department, Citizens Medical Center is proud to host a six-week Becoming a MomⓇ group prenatal education class, to prepare you for the labor and delivery process and provide information on infant and postpartum health. The goal is to minimize your fears and help you make informed decisions.
Class 1:
Pregnancy Overview
Class 2:
Pregnancy Health
Class 3:
Labor & Delivery
Class 4:
Infant Feeding
Class 5:
Infant Care
Class 6:
Postpartum Health
Medications Approved for Expectant Mothers
Some medications are not safe to take while you are pregnant. The following medications are generally safe to take during pregnancy, however consult with your doctor in the case of any special circumstances.